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Rabbit Creek: A Recipe for Restoring Riparian Areas

By George and Sarah Seidel, John Fusaro and Heather Knight The Seidel family have a ranching operation in Livermore.  The main part of the ranch lies along Rabbit Creek which affords habitat for diverse terrestrial and riparian species, including cottonwoods, willows, birch and alder, turkey, beaver, black bear, mountain lions, numerous songbirds, and Preble’s Meadow […]

North Fork Poudre SCT Update

The North Fork Poudre River Species Conservation Team (SCT) continues to work toward the recovery of Preble’s meadow jumping mouse (PMJM), a threatened mammal listed under the Endangered Species Act. The establishment of SCT’s along Colorado’s northern Front Range is a first of its kind effort, designed to give a voice to local communities in […]
