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CFCN Branching Out Session

Thursday, August 27th Panning for Nuggets of Science Gold: Reframing Forestry & Wildfire Mgmt. Communication

Hannah Brown, Colorado Forest Restoration Institute at Colorado State University
Brett Wolk, Colorado Forest Restoration Institute at Colorado State University

This session will focus on science communication and how nuggets of truth from academic research are increasingly being stretched into misleading forestry and wildfire narratives. The conversation will aim to illuminate some of the most common locally relevant selective science narratives, provide tips for how forest collaborative partners can clarify communication of their own science application, and invite feedback on collaborative partners’ experience engaging in your own science communication. (Optional pre-work available here: Answer the question, “What are some ‘selective science’ narratives have you heard that you would like to discuss or learn about?” to help guide the session).

Click here to register for August 24th Branching Out


Aug 24 2023


1:30 pm - 3:00 pm


Colorado Forest Collaboratives Network