The purpose of this network is to benefit and support place-based forest collaboratives in Colorado by connecting them to information, resources, and each other, and by telling their stories to make their value and needs understood.
For years, collaborative leaders and partners have convened in an annual Forest Collaboratives Summit to share updates, build relationships, and learn from one another. Participants agreed that these meetings were beneficial, but there was little capacity for follow-up or ongoing engagement. Hearing the need for more consistent networking amongst forest collaboratives, the Center for Collaborative Conservation conducted a Situation Assessment in 2020 to explore the need and desire for a statewide Forest Collaboratives Network. In short, the assessment found that there was a strong need and interest in such a network.
We hired Katie McGrath Novak to serve as a coordinator and launched the CFCN in January 2022, with three years’ worth of generous funding from Great Outdoors Colorado, Mighty Arrow Family Foundation, and Argosy Foundation. In year one of the Network, we met inspiring leaders, shared collaboratives’ perspectives at several Forest Health Council meetings, connected in-person with 50+ collaboratives at four regional forums, and re-commenced the Forest Collaboratives Summit.
We serve place-based forest collaboratives in Colorado.
To see all place-based conservation collaboratives in Colorado on a map (not just forest collaboratives), check out the Colorado Atlas of Collaborative Conservation.
Does the Atlas need an update? Fill out this update form to let us know!
The purpose of Branching Out is to provide a space for meaningful, relevant discussion amongst CFCN participants. Each monthly, virtual session will feature bite-sized stories of successes and failures from forest collaborative coordinators and partners, leaving you with the most relevant details and key takeaways, then offering ample time for small group networking, storytelling, and idea-workshopping. We invite you to come to the sessions that you think will provide the most benefit to you and your collaborative.
Click here to visit our Branching Out landing page.
This page has all the most up-to-date information about Branching Out, including descriptions of all upcoming sessions and links to recordings and other resources from past sessions.
The most up-to-date information about the CFCN will come through our newsletter.
The Colorado Forest Health Council (CFHC) is a 26-member volunteer stakeholder body whose role is “to provide a collaborative forum to advise the Governor, through the Executive Director of the Department of Natural Resources, and the Colorado General Assembly, on issues, opportunities, and threats to Colorado’s forests.”
In late 2022, CFCN Coordinator Katie McGrath Novak was appointed to serve on the CFHC as “an individual employed by or associated with a forest collaborative organization.”
Looking back on 2024, we’re taking some time to reflect on year THREE of the CFCN. I am so thankful to all of you who helped the CFCN feel like a real community this year – many of you stepped up to support our Summit planning, speak at events, share your ideas, and engage as participants. I’ve started to read through and compile many of your end-of-year reports, and as always I am inspired by what you all have accomplished!
I recently stumbled upon this quote: “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” ~Margaret Mead
In the face of some really daunting, large-scale challenges that seem impossible to beat, I am proud to be surrounded by YOU – the people bridging jurisdictional and political and administrative divides to get things done in your communities. You all prove to me every day that there is positive change happening in the world. Keep going!
Thank you,
Take a moment to review our December 2024 newsletter to see what we’ve accomplished together!
The best way to keep up with the CFCN is to join our mailing list. We send occasional emails containing news, events, and resources for forest collaboratives and their partners.
You can also view past mailings in our Newsletter Archive.
The purpose of the Forest Collaboratives Summit is to connect place-based forest collaboratives from across the state and facilitate learning about issues most relevant to collaboratives.
“There’s an inherent and powerful value in coming together. The formation and strength of relationships is indispensable.”
“The level of optimism across the state is fantastic! Everyone seems to be dealing with the same major issues, which means success/lessons can be shared and adapted across the state.”
Tag Us! #CFCsummit
Katie McGrath Novak
Colorado Forest Collaboratives Network Coordinator
If you are a member of a collaborative, or are an interested partner with ideas for building further connections, I would love to set up a one-on-one call to get to know you and hear your ideas for the network. I am best reached at my email address.
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Warner College of Natural Resources
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Colorado State University
Fort Collins, CO 80523
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