An official website of

Western Collaborative Conservation Network

Our Mission

The Western Collaborative Conservation Network (WCCN) promotes and supports community-based collaborative conservation efforts that strengthen and sustain healthy landscapes, vibrant communities, and thriving economies.

The West is Under Threat

Increasing population demands on limited resources, declining land management capacity, uncertain climate patterns, and unpredictable natural events are making the West’s natural resources, communities, and economies vulnerable.

How We Are Responding

The Western Collaborative Conservation Network connects partners across more than nine states in the West to advance the practice of  community-based collaborative conservation. Read on to learn how we make it happen.


Through our newsletter, listserve, social media, and regional map of collaboratives, we connect with each other, share knowledge and experiences, tell impactful stories, and create a stronger community.


Through communities of practice, trainings, and in-person events, we build collaborative skills, tools, and capacities.


Through our working groups, we tell the story of community-based collaborative conservation, analyze and address barriers to collaboration, create learning opportunities to grow collaborative capacity, and raise funding for the network.


Confluence is the WCCN’s biennial gathering that provides an indispensable space for learning and professional community-building within the collaborative conservation field. This gathering’s location interchanges between Fort Collins, CO (where the WCCN is based), and hubs of collaborative conservation across the West.

Who We Are

We are individuals and organizations in Arizona, California, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, New Mexico, Nevada, Oregon, Texas, Utah, and Wyoming—and expanding across the West—working in forests, grasslands, and watersheds.

Our Network Includes:

  • Private landowners, rural and agricultural communities, tribes
  • Business and Industry
  • Community-Based Collaborative Conservation leaders and practitioners
  • State, sub-regional, and national conservation organizations
  • Local, state, and federal land management agencies
  • Academic institutions

Learn more about our members, where they are located, and how to connect with us!

Join our mailing list to receive regular updates and our quarterly e-newsletters that promote opportunities to learn and engage with our network across the West. You can also subscribe to our peer-to-peer listserv for engaging discussions and knowledge-sharing.

Become a WCCN Supporter

Supporters enable the WCCN to amplify our network’s efforts with:

  • Confluence, a regular gathering of collaboratives and support organizations from across the West for learning and networking
  • Searchable databases of collaborators, mentors, internships, coaches, and other resources and learning opportunities
  • A website, newsletter, and social media to share success stories, events, best practices, and funding opportunities
  • A regional collaborative conservation map that enables collaboratives to tell their story and connect to others
  • High quality and affordable collaboration trainings to strengthen skills, practice tools and build capacity
  • Working Groups that take action on public policy, sustainable funding, capacity building and awareness
  • As a WCCN Supporter you are part of a growing network that is enabling conservation impact for diverse communities and landscapes across the West!

Thank you to our WCCN Sponsors!​

Many supporters give money and/or time to make the WCCN work. Core financial support for the WCCN comes from:

  • Ed and Jackie Warner
  • Alper Family
  • Office of the CSU Vice President of Research
  • Mighty Arrow Family Foundation

See our full list
of individuals and organizations who support the WCCN with time and funding.

We believe that increased collaboration builds stronger communities and creates enduring conservation actions.

To learn more, contact the WCCN Communications Team at

WCCN Testimonies
