The CCC has supported and produced research, case studies, and lessons learned from collaborative conservation since 2008. We have compiled all of our publications here. You can scroll down the list, use the filters below such as filtering by type of publication (video, journal article, etc), or search keywords in the right-most search bar to find publications or resources that meet your needs.
wdt_ID | Year | Title | Authors | Type | Filter by System | Filter by Program | Filter by Type | Source | location (state/region) | system (marine/ag/forest/savanna) | System 2 (list) | other keywords |
1 | 2009 | THE ROLES OF SCIENCE, CONFLICT AND CONSENSUS IN NATURAL RESOURCE COLLABORATION: LESSONS FROM AN INACTIVE COLLABORATIVE GROUP | Weller, A.R. | Dissertation / thesis | Urban | CCC Fellows Program | Dissertation/Thesis | CCC Fellows Program | Western United States | agriculture/urban | Agriculture/Rangeland | collaberation, decision-making, BLM, IMPLC, consensus, community |
2 | 2009 | Common Questions on Conservation Easements | Jones, J., W. Wombacher, L. Sherrod, and H. McMillian | Guides/Resources | Agriculture/Rangeland | CCC Fellows Program | Guide/Manual/Resource | CCC Fellows Program | Colorado | agriculture/ private and public land/ community | Private Land | public lands, collaberation, private property, rights, conservation, costs |
3 | 2010 | The Samburu Photovoice Project | Beh, A. | Report | Savanna | CCC Fellows Program | Report | CCC Fellows Program | Kenya | savanna | conservation, park rangers, community, drought, culture, desertification, trees, pollution, wildlife | |
4 | 2010 | | Wackerman, A.E. | Dissertation / thesis | Urban | CCC Fellows Program | Dissertation/Thesis | CCC Fellows Program | Vermont/US | urban | time, systems, humanity, society, green, buildling, shift, sustainability, community, paradigm shifts | |
5 | 2010 | ACCEPTABILITY, CONFLICT, AND SUPPORT FOR COASTAL RESOURCE MANAGEMENT POLICIES AND INITIATIVES IN CEBU, PHILIPPINES | Mendezona Allegretti, A. | Dissertation / thesis | Coastal | CCC Fellows Program | Dissertation/Thesis | CCC Fellows Program | Philippines | coastal | Coastal Resource Management, Integrated Coastal Management, Ecosystem Based Management, fishing, marine fish, socioeconomic goals | |
6 | 2010 | Collaborative climate change management: Exploring new management techniques. | Cobb, A. | Dissertation / thesis | Agriculture/Rangeland | CCC Fellows Program | Dissertation/Thesis | CCC Fellows Program | Colorado, Montana | ag/forest/tribe | Forests | climate change, scenario planning, collaberative conservation theory, sustainable community practices, environmental decision making |
7 | 2010 | Informing the Design and Governance of a Pro-Poor Payment for Ecosystem Services in Western Panama | Duke, E.A. | Dissertation / thesis | Agriculture/Rangeland | CCC Fellows Program | Dissertation/Thesis | CCC Fellows Program | Panama | ag | Payments for ecosystem services, PES, Western Panama, low-income households, La Amistad buffer zone, pro-poor payment, livelihood | |
9 | 2010 | Simultaneous ground count of the Asiatic wild ass in the Great Gobi B Strictly Protected Area | Kaczensky, P., J. Ransom, O. Ganbaatar, and N. Altansukh | Other article | Desert | CCC Fellows Program | Other | CCC Fellows Program | Mongolia | desert | Great Gobi, Shargen Gobi Saiga Reserve, animal abundance, aerial survey, count, wildlife, domestic animals | |
10 | 2011 | DO YOU SEE WHAT I SEE? PHOTOVOICE, COMMUNITY-BASED RESEARCH, AND CONSERVATION EDUCATION IN SAMBURU, KENYA | Beh, A. | Dissertation / thesis | Savanna | CCC Fellows Program | Dissertation/Thesis | CCC Fellows Program | Kenya | savanna | community based participatory action research, CBPAR, Samburu, photo, conservation education, Samburu Photovoice Project, visual narratives | |
11 | 2011 | Perceptions of Wildlife Parks by Youth Who Live Near Them: A Study in Samburu, Kenya | Beh, A., B. Bruyere, and G. Foster | Journal article | Savanna | CCC Fellows Program | Journal Article | CCC Fellows Program | Kenya | Savanna | youth perceptions, wildlife images, Samburu National Reserve, Buffalo Springs National Reserve, written responses, primary school, negative attitudes towards protected areas |
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