December Lunchtime Conservation Conversation- Building a Watershed Group from the Ground Up
Join four experienced watershed group leaders to learn how each went from being the only – and in some cases the first – staff person at their organization to growing and leading a thriving, sustainable watershed group.
Kristin Gardner, PhD, is Chief Executive and Science Officer for the Gallatin River Task Force and has led the organization since 2007. Heather Barber is Executive Director of the Bitterroot Water Partnership (formerly the Bitter Root Water Forum) and has led the organization since 2010. Anne Marie Emery is Executive Director of the Bighorn River Alliance and has led the organization since 2015. Laura Nowlin served as Watershed Coordinator for the Musselshell Watershed Coalition from 2014-2023 and is currently the Operations Coordinator for the Winnett ACES. This Conversation will be an hour and 15 minutes (instead of the usual hour) to give us extra time for discussion amongst the panelists and with our audience. Come with questions and your own experiences in your home watershed.This event will be held over Zoom.
Link to Registration: https://secure.lglforms.com/form_engine/s/CzSO-IbRCLxuOY6Lf-jWWA