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Storyteller’s Circle Workshop

As conservation communicators, we face a daunting task: telling compelling stories to encourage actions that will “save the world.” But how often do we make space for developing our craft in order to do these stories justice?

Join us on Thursday, January 30th at 3 p.m. MDT for a presentation and discussion about how communicating science can be engaging and exciting!

Lisa Baril is a science communicator and wildlife biologist. Her passion for science communication led her to a position with Utah State University writing about natural resources for the National Park Service. As a communications specialist with the Northern Great Plains Joint Venture, Lisa is working to elevate the voices of ranchers and other NGPJV partners in conservation. Lisa is also the author of the book The Age of Melt.


Jan 30 2025


3:00 pm - 4:00 pm


Center for Collaborative Conservation