Stream Restoration Workshop
San Juan Citizens Alliance, Give a Dam, the Colorado Healthy Headwaters Working Group, Mountain Studies Institute, the Four Corners Water Center, and Dolores River Anglers Trout Unlimited are excited to invite you to attend a free workshop, Philosophy, Tools, and Tales of Success for Re-Building Resilient Rivers in Southwestern Colorado, from September 22nd – 23rd, 2023 at Fort Lewis College in Durango.
Goals and Focus of the Workshop
- Participants will have a better understanding of the scope of riverscape degradation in SW Basins and how low-tech process-based restoration (LTPBR) can be a highly effective low-cost strategy to restore riverscape health at the scale needed to address problems the SW faces with increasing drought, wildfires, and sedimentation of our streams and water infrastructure.
- Participants will have a better understanding of the challenges of planning and implementing LTPBR and how to address those challenges.
- Provide the opportunity for networking and dialogue between land and water management agencies and organizations to help generate collaborative efforts to restore streams in the SW Basin.
- Connect agencies and organizations that are interested in cross-collaboration on fuels reduction and stream/wetlands restoration – watershed scale projects that do both.
This event consists of a Friday Workshop and a Saturday Field Trip- check out the agenda here:
Please RSVP to whichever days you would like to attend…
Friday Workshop RSVP:
Saturday Field Trip RSVP:
Learn more about the San Juan Citizen’s Alliance here: