Fellows RFP Information Session
The Fellows Program is for people interested in conservation at any stage of their careers– whether a graduate student, a mid-career professional or academic, or an experienced practitioner. This innovative program provides funding, training, and a community of practice to plan and implement on-the-ground projects.
For those interested in our Fellows Program, Allison Brody, CCC’s Associate Director of Learning, will be available throughout September and October to support the proposal preparation process by answering questions about project ideas, proposal format and content, and address other questions and concerns.
Three virtual information sessions will be held: (registration for each session via individual link)
- 9/27 (9:00-10:00 am) MT
- 9/29 (12-1 pm) MT
- 10/5 (5-6 pm) MT
Interested applicants should learn more through scheduled virtual Information Sessions and direct outreach to Allison Brody (schedule a 1-on-1 with Allison HERE).
To learn more about applying to the Fellows Program, check out the full Request for Proposals HERE and the website HERE.