On November 20th, 2017, the Center for Collaborative Conservation selected team fellows for the 9th cohort of the Collaborative Conservation Fellows Program. The two-year fellowships support graduate students, faculty, and practitioners working on conservation and livelihoods issues using collaborative methods around the world. Cohort 9 will include five teams implementing projects in Ethiopia, Mongolia, Kenya, and United States (Colorado). The fellows will begin their work with the CCC in January 2018, and will attend their first training retreat February 13-16, 2018 at the Tamasag Center outside of Fort Collins. We look forward to welcoming our new fellows and working with them over the next two years. If you have any questions about the fellows or the program, please contact, Kim Skyelander, kim.skyelander@colostate.edu.
Cohort 9 Fellowships:
- Engaging the collaborative capital of Lion Guardians to reduce lost livestock in Maasailands. Kevin Jablonski, PhD student in FRS-WCNR and Phillip Briggs, Lion Guardians
- Mongolian Sustainable Rangeland Collaborative. Dr. Cynthia Brown, Professor & Associate Head of Bioagricultural Sciences and Pest Management at CSU and Dr. Bulgamaa Densambuu, Researcher at the National Federation of Pasture User Groups, Mongolia
- 2-3-2 Community Biomass Enterprise Development. Tim Reader, Colorado State Forest Service and Randy Johnson, President of the Mondo Business Group.
- Collaborative Conservation in Action: Working with Locals and Coffee to Promote Conservation and Resilient Livelihoods around Bale Mountains National Park, Ethiopia. Bethlehem Astella, PhD student in HDNR-WCNR and Zerayehu Endalew, Ethiopian Wolf Conservation Program and Konjo Coffee.
- Using Collaborative Modelling to Understand and Manage Shrub Encroachment in the Ethiopian Highlands. Cara Steger, PhD student in GDPE and Admassu Getaneh, Guassa Conservation Office, Ethiopia.
**The project pages for these fellows will be launched in early December on the CCC website, www.collaborativeconservation.org/program/fellows/