An official website of


We connect community-based collaborative conservation groups across the West to share knowledge and experiences, co-learn, pool resources, problem solve and tell impactful stories.

Together, we create a stronger community and collective voice for collaborative efforts.

Subscribe to WCCN

Join our mailing list to receive regular updates and our quarterly e-newsletters that promote opportunities to learn and engage with our network across the West.

This content is member-driven, so share your photos and opportunities with us! Watch for calls for information about your state including photos, stories and case studies, job postings, internships, and collaboration events and training opportunities.

You can view our most recent WCCN quarterly newsletters and other news items here.

Find a Collaborative: New Regional Map!

Ever wished you had a single map to find all the collaborative conservation groups and the organizations that support them?

The Southwest Collaborative Support Network, Western Collaborative Conservation Network, Center for Collaborative Conservation, USDA-Agricultural Research Service, Southwest Decision Resources, New Mexico Forest & Watershed Restoration Institute, Mountain Studies Institute, Cross-Watershed Network, and RiversEdge West, are collaborating to create a western regional map for you!

For more information, click here

(Please note that the map is still being developed and will continue to improve with additional functionality.)

Here is the link to the current map!

If your organization identifies as a Collaborative Group or a Support organization (that provides provide services to collaborative groups) we hope you’ll connect with us by completing this survey to add yourself on the map!

Don’t forget to follow WCCN on social media

Dive Into the WCCN's Blog Series

Read about conservation collaboratives throughout the American West– how they are structured, the work they do, their challenges and advice by reading our blog series titled, Collaboratives Behind the Scenes.

The WCCN also has an Emerging Leaders blog series, which features individuals new to the conservation field with an innovative vision for the future of conservation and the motivation, passion, and collaborative mindset to work toward that vision.

If you would like to nominate a collaborative conservation organization or an emerging leader to be profiled by the WCCN, please contact the WCCN Communications Team!

WCCN Email Listserv

Join our listserv for discussion and knowledge-sharing!

The WCCN listserv supports peer-to-peer sharing of useful information and provide networking opportunities between professionals working on collaborative conservation projects across the West by:

  • Amplifying existing collaborative conservation efforts from various stakeholders to communicate about the value of collaboration,
  • Providing a forum to share collaborative conservation success stories and lessons learned,
  • Sharing new collaboration and conservation science, policy and technical resources,
  • Facilitating cross-fertilization of ideas amongst collaboratives, and/or
  • Assisting in the identification of new communication opportunities for collaborative conservation groups.

To make this listserv as relevant and useful as possible, please read our WCCN Listserv Rules of Engagement here.

Sign up for the newsletter and listserv here.

WCCN Participants

The WCCN is hosted and facilitated by the Center for Collaborative Conservation. Overall direction of the WCCN are overseen by a Steering committee. Activities are developed and implemented by a series of working groups.

Want to engage with others and join a working group? Learn more about WCCN participants and working groups.

Curious about who’s involved with WCCN?
