Below is a list of courses at CSU we believe are particularly relevant to Collaborative Conservation, including several courses in Ethnic Studies that focus on environmental justice and Indigenous issues. CCC staff teach Collaborative Conservation (NR 543B) in the Conservation Leadership program and frequently guest lecture in other classes. Given the now-recognized importance of diversity, equity, and inclusion in natural resources management, and the still-limited awareness of the value of Traditional Ecological Knowledge, we recommend the Indigenous Studies minor as a valuable complement to degrees offered through the Warner College of Natural Resources.
Community-based Natural Resource Management (NR 625)
History, theory, practice, and evaluation of community-based natural resource management.
Catalyzing Change: Collaborative Conservation (NR 543B)
Collaborative communication theories, methods, and tools to effectively create change in the field of conservation. Conservation Leadership students only.
Integrated Planning for Conservation (NRRT 431)
Practices within public and private lands that work at the interface of social and ecological dimensions of conservation.
Principles in Conservation Planning and Management (NRRT 340)
Social, economic, legal, and ecological concepts that shape planning and management frameworks within conservation.
Practicing Sustainability (ESS 440)
Capstone integration of ecosystem science and sustainability, focused on case studies.
Environmental Governance (NRRT 400)
Theory and practice of prevalent environmental governance approaches in diverse social and environmental contexts.
Environmental Conflict Management (NRRT 362)
Theoretical, critical and practical approaches to negotiation, mediation and conflict management strategies related to natural resources.
Non-profit Administration in Conservation (NRRT 463)
The role of non-governmental organizations (a.k.a., NGOs, non-profits) in protected-area management and conservation education; models for development (funding) in conservation, including grant writing.
Global Environmental Justice Movements (ETST 365)
How the world’s poor and minorities self-empower to challenge institutional racism and government apathy to secure basic environmental goods.
Contemporary Indigenous Issues (ETST 260)
International, national, regional, and local perspectives on current issues in Native America.
Indigenous Knowledges (ETST 441)
Develop an understanding of Indigenous world views, by exploring Indigenous knowledge production, knowledge systems, core values, and ways of living.
Development in Indian Country (ETST 414)
Critical examination of history, public policy, and tribal strategies for economic development and natural resource management in Indian country.
Natural Resource Rights & Reconciliation (NR 321)
This course provides a critical overview of historical and current events shaping the field of natural resources, including contributions from historically marginalized, diverse cultural communities with an emphasis on contemporary Indigenous community rights and issues.
Mapping Diverse Perspectives in Conservation (FW310)
Use maps and geospatial tools to explore conservation through diverse social and cultural perspectives.
Cultural and Political Ecology (NRRT 402)
The course explores the diverse meanings of “nature”, access to natural resources and decision-making based on gender, race, social status etc., and the political, economic, and social processes driving environmental degradation. Search the CSU catalog.
Indigenous Environmental Stewardship (ANTH 417)
Indigenous peoples of North America traditions and beliefs about harmony and kinship with nature.
Equity and Justice in Conservation Practice (ECOL 592)
Exploring the diverse histories and frameworks of conservation, tracing how institutional structures
and their legacies manifest today. Email for more information.
363 Michael Smith Building
Warner College of Natural Resources
1401 Campus Delivery,
Colorado State University
Fort Collins, CO 80523
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