The North Fork Poudre River Species Conservation Team (SCT) continues to work toward the recovery of Preble’s meadow jumping mouse (PMJM), a threatened mammal listed under the Endangered Species Act. The establishment of SCT’s along Colorado’s northern Front Range is a first of its kind effort, designed to give a voice to local communities in the process of recovering the Preble’s mouse. The goal of the team is to work toward meeting recovery goals, striving to recommend simple, straightforward conservation tools for restoration on public and private lands for habitat improvement.
The SCT hosted a second healthy watershed community event on September 10th, 2022. Thirty-eight community members, land management agency and conservation organization representatives participated in the event. The event included two activities. A watershed tour kicked off the event. Four stops were made on public and private lands in the Livermore valley. Locations included a Mitigation Bank along Stonewall Creek on State Land Board property, and three private ranches, two on the North Fork of the Cache la Poudre River and one on Rabbit Creek.
The tour demonstrated a variety of habitat conditions and management practices that provide healthy habitat for the Preble’s mouse and a diversity of other wildlife. Following the tour, an open house was hosted during lunch at the Livermore Community Hall. Twelve different conservation groups and local, state, and federal land management agencies hosted booths. Organizations shared information for landowners about opportunities for funding and project design and implementation.
Stay tuned for the next event and learn more about PJMJ and the SCT process.