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Meet the Furry, Feathered, & Serpentine Friends of the CCC!

As we gain many new faces on our team, we wanted to take a moment to recognize our furry, feathered, and serpentine friends who put a smile on our faces, offer snuggles and pets when we are in need of comfort, join our zoom calls for fun, and support us as we work hard towards CCC’s mission to build capacity for collaborative conservation!


Her essential state of being is one of joy, unless you try to take the ball from her – which Allison will try to explain is a necessary step in order to be able to throw the ball.


Noodles is a 5 year old grey cat originally from Louisville, Kentucky. Katie M. is still training her to be a friendly kitty, because she is naturally very evil. Her hobbies include biting, scratching, pouncing, and meowing. Once in a blue moon, she may grace you with a lap-sit or even a snuggle, and in these moments you will forget all her evil-ness and love her forever!


Atti (full name Atticus) is a peach-faced lovebird from Arizona City who is looking after a little flock of two humans. He has worked double duty as the home office manager for Aireona since 2020, and he moonlights as an anthropologist and author, with the goal of becoming the definitive authority on humans among bird-kind. His hobbies include destruction of property and mastering relaxation techniques such as mindful napping, freshwater bathing, and sauna meditation.


Kiwi is a little rescue peach faced lovebird who was born and raised in Colorado. His favorite things to do are take a nap and have a snack- sometimes he even steals a nibble of a biscuit off of off of the human’s plate. He is teaching the rest of his flock, who are all from Arizona, the art of snow living in Colorado. And he is missing his tail feathers from some things that happened in his old house, but he doesn’t let it get him down. Kiwi is excited to join the CCC team and especially to help with the MCA project.


Lily enjoys gracing John’s meetings with her presence on Zoom. Lily is an indoor cat (as are all of our staff’s kitties), so that she cannot kill birds. As strong supporters of bird conservation, we at the CCC believe that cats should stay inside!


A poodle constantly in motion, it’s a rare moment to capture this dog standing still. However, as a true Rams fan, Tundra slowed down just long enough to pose for John here.


Woodrow is a two-year-old basset hound, rescued by Finch’s parents. He can do nothing all day, and still be extremely exhausted by the end of it. His favorite activities are cuddles and eating mulch from the backyard. Although he looks sad and old all of the time, he truly is a happy baby.

Sergeant Pepper

Sergeant Pepper is a baby corn snake with an adorable little ramen noodle body and almost no room for brains. Her favorite activity is climbing as high as possible, which is probably because she’s a star. Julia is in the process of decorating her massive new crib and quickly found that Miss Pepp has expensive taste.
