An official website of

Colorado Forest Collaboratives Summit

The purpose of the Forest Collaboratives Summit is to connect place-based forest collaboratives from across the state and facilitate learning about issues most relevant to collaboratives.

What is Colorado Forest Collaboratives Summit?

For years, collaborative leaders and partners have convened in an annual Forest Collaboratives Summit to share updates, build relationships, and learn from one another. Each fall, approximately 100 collaborative leaders and partners gather somewhere in Colorado for the Colorado Forest Collaboratives Summit. The creation of the Colorado Forest Collaboratives Network (CFCN) was inspired by successes at past Forest Collaboratives Summits, and Summit now represents the flagship annual event for the CFCN. To learn more about the CFCN, visit our webpage and/or join our mailing list.

Summit 2024

Summit 2024 has concluded!

 September 4 – 6 in Durango, CO

Theme: Scaling and Sustaining Local Impact

Place-based collaboratives work in close partnership with state and federal agencies to achieve big-picture goals that require local expertise, buy-in, and implementation. Working to match goals and opportunities across varying local, regional, state, and federal scales has proven challenging.

Southwest Colorado has long been a hot spot for innovative multi-level collaboration that successfully bridges large-scale initiatives to local action. At the 2024 Colorado Forest Collaboratives Summit, we draw from successes and challenges in Southwest Colorado and beyond to understand:

How can we bridge the gap between local work and large federal opportunities?

How can we adapt and sustain work at the local scale when high-level directives change?

All About Summit in Durango

Check out these blog posts:

2024 Colorado Forest Collaboratives Summit: Summary & Resources | blog post by Katie McGrath Novak of Colorado Forest Collaboratives Network

10 of Katie’s Favorite Photos from the 2024 Colorado Forest Collaboratives Summit | blog post by Katie McGrath Novak of Colorado Forest Collaboratives Network

The 2024 Colorado Forest Collaboratives Summit: A Hub of Connection and Innovation | blog post by Sandi Good of Peaks to People Water Fund


Thanks to our 2024 Sponsors!

CDR Logo
Mighty Arrow Family Foundation

Thanks to our fabulous planning team!

Summit would not be possible without the incredible energy, generous time, and awesome ideas from our planning team:

Josh Braun

Esther Duke

Clarissa Dukeminier

Alex Handloff

Ch’aska Huayhuaca

Aaron Kimple

Alison Lerch

Danny Margoles

Katie McGrath-Novak

Adam Moore

Becca Samulski

Priscila Santos Urteaga

Roxie Stricker

Estevan Vega

Lo Williams

Scott Woods

Past Colorado Forest Collaboratives Summits

Check out past years of this important collaborative gathering. In 2023, we went to Salida, and in 2022, we brought down Frisco!

Feedback on the 2022 Forest Collaboratives Summit in Frisco:

“Having the opportunity to provide feedback and insights to decisions-makers was really valuable.”

“Forest Collaboratives leaders showed up, engaged, and met one another with plenty of time for networking.”

“Great opportunity to network with folks from different regions that I don’t typically get to talk to.”

Subscribe to the CFCN Newsletter

The best way to keep up with the CFCN is to join our mailing list. We send occasional emails containing news, events, and resources for forest collaboratives and their partners.

We Want to Hear from You!

Katie McGrath Novak 

Colorado Forest Collaboratives Network Coordinator

If you are a member of a collaborative, or are an interested partner with ideas for building further connections, I would love to set up a one-on-one call to get to know you and hear your ideas for the network. I am best reached at my email address. 
