Join the CCC, GDPE and the following guests for a post-seminar social!
5 p.m. in Lory Student Center Ballroom B.
Molly Cavaleriearned her PhD here at CSU in Dan Binkley’s lab in 2007. She is a renowned forest ecophysiologist at Michigan Tech where she is a professor in the College of Forest Resources and Environmental Science (as well as interim dean and director of graduate studies).
Hear about Molly’s research during her seminar titled “From roots to treetops: How tropical plants respond to warming and hurricane disturbance in the Tropical Responses to Altered Climate Experiment (TRACE)”Wednesday October 5 at 4pm in LSC Ballroom B.
If you would like to meet with Molly, please contact Alan Knapp. Come for tea and cookies before, and stay for the reception afterwards!
Dr. Krithi Karanth, Chief Conservation Scientist and Director at India’s Centre for Wildlife studies, is visiting CSU and will giving a seminar titled “Living with Wildlife: Insights from 24 years Science, Conservation, and Education”on Wednesday, October 5 2022, 12-1 PM, in Wagar 133.
Folks interested in meeting with Dr. Karanth can reach out to Jennifer Solomon.